NRT Application Preview
NRT Application Preview
This is a preview of the online NRT application process, to inform trail managers of the information and documents required. You may use this as a checklist to gather data for the online application. Basic information is entered on the application website, and supporting materials (documents, maps, photos, etc.) in standard electronic formats can then be uploaded.
This application process is for trails on state, local, or private land, OR on federal land (outside the US Department of Agriculture). If your trail is on National Forest, National Grassland, or other land managed by the Department of Agriculture, see the USDA Application Process for NRTs.
Please note: This preview is for your own information only. All applications for NRT designation through the Department of the Interior must be made online through the Online Application Process.
Section One: Basic Trail Information
Application Type: checkbox (select one only)
(Select which trail type you are applying for designation)
Trail Name: text field
Lead Agency or Organization: pick list field
(Select a Lead Agency or Organization)
Trail Location: text field
(Please add a short description of your trail indicating the start and end points.)
State(s): pick list field
(Choose state(s) from dropdown list)
County(ies): pick list field
(Choose county(ies) from dropdown list)
Cities/Townships crossed by the trail: text field
(Separate multiple cities/townships with commas.)
Congressional District(s) crossed by the trail: text field
(Separate multiple Districts with commas: 1, 3. If multiple states, use two letter state abbreviation and district number separated by commas.)
Short Description of Trail: text field
(Provide a short, detailed description of your trail. This text should highlight the user experience of your trail. If designated, this text will be used in news releases and the National Recreation Trail website. Recommended maximum text: 100 words.)
Detailed Description of Trail: text field
(Provide a longer, detailed description of your trail that expands upon the short description. This is your opportunity to highlight to the public why your trail is locally significant, how your trail is unique from others, and why a trail user would want to visit your trail. This text will be used on the National Recreation Trail website. Recommended maximum text: 1000 words.)
Website: text field
Section Two: Trail Details
Length of Trail Open to Public Use - Miles: number field
Length of Trail Open to Public Use - Loop Trail? checkbox field
Trail Part of a System: checkbox field
(Identify if your trail is part of a larger trail system, the name of the trail system, and length of the entire system. If your trail is a stand-alone trail, leave this question blank.)
Trail System Name: text field
Entire System Length (in miles): number field
Additional National Designations: text field
Additional State Designations: text field
Primary Trail Category: checkbox field (choose all that apply)
(Backcountry Trail, Frontcountry Trail, Water Trail, Rail Trail, Urban Trail)
Lowest Elevation: number field
Highest Elevation: number field
Cumulative Elevation Gain (in feet): number field
Average Width (in inches): number field
Minimum Width (in inches): number field
Total Running Distance of Minimum Width (in feet): number field
Average Grade of Trail (%): number field
Maximum Grade of Trail (%): number field
Total Running Distance of Maximum Grade (in feet): number field
Average Cross-slope of Trail (%): number field
Maximum Cross-slope of Trail (%): number field
Total Maximum Running Distance of Cross-slope (in feet): number field
Primary Surface: checkbox field (select one only)
(Paved (Asphalt or concrete, brick, paver stone); Boardwalk; Grass or Vegetation; Rock, boulders; Rock, crushed; Rock, smooth; Sand; Snow or ice; Soil; Soil with stabilizer; Wood chips/mulch; Water, rapids; Water, swift moving; Water, slow moving; Water, tidal; Water, calm)
Additional Surfaces: checkbox field (select all that apply)
(Paved (Asphalt or concrete, brick, paver stone); Boardwalk; Grass or Vegetation; Rock, boulders; Rock, crushed; Rock, smooth; Sand; Snow or ice; Soil; Soil with stabilizer; Wood chips/mulch; Water, rapids; Water, swift moving; Water, slow moving; Water, tidal; Water, calm)
Universal Accessibility Information: text field
(Provide information about how your trail maximizes recreation opportunities for people with disabilities. Examples include accessible features, launch sites (for water trails only), facilities, and experiences.)
Section Three: Uses and Activities
Allowed Uses: checkbox field (select all that apply)
(Bicycling; Bicycling, electric; Bicycling, hand powered, recumbents, tricycles; Boating, motorized; Boating, human-powered; Swimming; Dogs, off leash; Dogs, on leash; Electric micro-mobility devices (scooters, hoverboards, skateboards, etc.); Equestrian; Hiking/Walking; Motorized vehicles, – ATV/ORV; Motorized vehicles, – four-wheel drive; Motorized vehicles, motorcycling; Motorized vehicles, snowmobiling; Snow, cross-country skiing; Snow, snowshoeing; Trail running; Other)
Other Related Activities Allowed: checkbox field (select all that apply)
(Hunting; Fishing; Camping; Heritage / History / Cultural Resources; Rock climbing; Camping; Caving; Snow, snow play general; Scuba Diving; Ice skating; Wildlife Viewing / Observation; Traditional cultural uses; Other)
Section Four: Visiting and Fees
Note: section can be repeated multiple times for additional trailheads.
Trailhead Name: text field
(*This location will be used on the National Recreation Trail Database)
Trailhead Longitude: number field
Trailhead Latitude: number field
Trailhead Dates Month/Day Opens: date field
Trailhead Dates Month/Day Closes: date field
Trailhead Dates Open Year-Round: checkbox field
Trailhead Dates Seasonal or Special Closures: text field
Trailhead Times of Operation Open 24 hours: checkbox field
Trailhead Times of Operation Open Dusk to Dawn: checkbox field
Trailhead Times of Operation Time Trailhead Opens: pick list field
Trailhead Times of Operation Time Trailhead Closes: picklist field
Admission Fee: number field
Parking Fee: number field
Annual Permit Fee: number field
Visiting and Fee Notes: text field
Fee Information Website: text field
Trailhead Amenities: text field
Section Five: Best Management Practices
Designated National Recreation Trails or National Water Trails should meet the following benchmarks for best management practices (BMP). For each of the following sections, briefly describe how your trail and managing entity or entities strive for and implement each best management practice. Please attach supporting documents for each best management practice as appropriate.
Recreation Opportunities & Access: text field
(Best management practices include the opportunity to enjoy a variety of trail experiences that accommodate a diversity of trip lengths, levels of difficulty, and recreation activities. Provide details and descriptions of how your trail addresses recreation and access including how many trailheads or launch sites are available, what recreation resources are provided, and how your trail may accommodate varying levels of visitor experience, and how your trail may provide equitable access to members of the community.)
Recreation Opportunities & Access, Supporting Files: file upload
(Upload photos or documents of trailheads or launch sites, active trail use and users, and experiences.)
Education & Interpretation: text field
(Best management practices include opportunities to learn about the local environment and habitat, value of land and water resources, cultural heritage, and outdoor and boating skills and ethics. Describe any of these educational opportunities related to your trail.)
Education & Interpretation, Supporting Files: file upload
(Upload photos or documents that exemplify these opportunities [curricula, events].)
Conservation & Stewardship: text field
(Best management practices include opportunities for organizations and communities to develop and implement strategies that enhance and restore the health of the local environment, waterways, and surrounding lands. Please provide examples of activities that demonstrate stewardship and conservation along the trail.)
Conservation & Stewardship, Supporting Files: file upload
(Upload photos or documents that exemplify these opportunities [stewardship activities, plans, etc.])
Community Support: text field
(Best management practices demonstrate meaningful engagement with diverse partners and local communities who provide support and advocacy for the designation, events, maintenance, and stewardship of their trail. Describe the community involvement in your trail, and attach any letters of support from local organizations, local or State governments, Tribes, etc.)
Community Support, Supporting Files: file upload
(Upload photos or documents that exemplify these opportunities [letters of support, agreements, stewardship programs, strategies for community engagement, etc.])
Public Information: text field
(Best management practices demonstrate how the public is provided with easily available and understandable information about the trail, including identifying trails routes, launch sites, difficulty levels, universal access information, safety and hazards messaging, and rules and regulation, and multilingual resources. Describe how your trail provides this information to the public.)
Public Information, Supporting Files: file upload
(Upload photos or documents of public information [brochures, guides, safety messages, signs/kiosks, multilingual resources, etc.])
Trail Maintenance: text field
(Best management practices indicate that trail managers and organizations perform routine and long-term maintenance investments on their trails to ensure trails and related facilities are open and safe for public use and are environmentally sustainable. Describe any trail maintenance practices associated with your trail.)
Trail Maintenance, Supporting Files: file upload
(Upload photos or documents that exemplify trail maintenance [trail maintenance plans, checklists, schedules, patrols, etc.])
Planning & Management: text field
(Best management practices indicate that trail managers have adopted a trail plan(s) that describes a vision, desired future conditions, addresses environmental laws and policies, consultation with stakeholders, and include strategies to maintain the trail over the long term, manage visitor use, and maintain and strengthen the capacity to manage the trail.. Describe any current and future planning activities related to your trail.)
Planning & Management, Supporting Files: file upload
(Upload photos or documents of relevant planning and organizational management materials.)
Section Six: Supporting Materials
Upload supporting materials, which include primary and additional maps and location information, and a primary trail photo and additional trail activity photos.
Primary Trail Map: file upload
Additional Trail Maps: file upload
GIS Centerline of Trail: file upload
Primary Trail Photo: file upload
(*This photo will be used to highlight and promote your trail on the National Recreation Trail website, and other National Trail System communication and promotion)
Additional Photos: file upload
(Examples include active trail users, activities, events not addressed in the Best Management Practices section.)
Materials to be uploaded must be in one of these formats: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpg, .kml, .kmz, .gpx
The map must be a .pdf or .jpg
The photo must be a .jpg and will be resized to 1000 pixels wide. A horizontally oriented photo will look best.
Please Note: When you upload a photo you affirm that you have secured the rights for the photo to be used for publicity and promotion of National Recreation Trails and are giving us permission to do so. This includes use on official websites for National Recreation Trails, American Trails, and cooperating agencies and organizations, as well as their noncommercial publications. This also includes use by third-party websites for noncommercial use in promotion of National Recreation Trails through agreements with American Trails. You retain all other rights to your photos.
Section Seven: Contact Information
If the trail is designated a National Recreation Trail or National Water Trail, the trail managing agency or organization will appear on the official designation certificate, along with the trail's name. The trail managing agency or organization will be sent the official designation certificate as well as several National Recreation Trail or National Water Trail signs using the mailing information below.
You will be given the opportunity to add additional contacts if there are multiple agencies or organizations that manage the trail.
[Contact Information Part 1- Applicant Contact]
Trail Managing Agency or Organization: text field
(example: Smith County Parks and Recreation Agency Unit)
Agency Unit: text field
(example: Jones Lake Park)
Trail Manager First Name: text field
Trail Manager Middle Initial: text field
Trail Manager Last Name: text field
Trail Manager Title: text field
Trail Manager Position: text field
Phone: text field
Email: text field
Mailing Address: text field
Mailing City: text field
Mailing State: pick list field
Mailing Zip: text field
Physical Address: text field
Physical City: text field
Physical State: pick list field
Physical Zip: text field
[Contact Information Park 2 - Public Information Contact]
Agency or Organization: text field
(example: Smith County Parks and Recreation Agency Unit)
Agency Unit: text field
(example: Jones Lake Park)
First Name: text field
Middle Initial: text field
Last Name: text field
Title: text field
Position: text field
Phone: text field
Email: text field
Mailing Address: text field
Mailing City: text field
Mailing State: pick list field
Mailing Zip: text field
Physical Address: text field
Physical City: text field
Physical State: pick list field
Physical Zip: text field
[Contact Information Park 3 - Designation Letter Contact]
If the trail is designated as a National Recreation Trail or National Water Trail, a letter of designation from the Secretary of the Interior will be delivered to the street address of the managing agency/organization. If you would like additional designation letters or prefer a different name (e.g. department head, mayor, president of the organization, etc.) and/or address to appear on the letter, please enter the information below. You may enter up to four additional individuals who will receive a designation letter.
Surname: text field
First Name: text field
Middle Initial: text field
Last Name: text field
Title: text field
Position: text field
Phone: text field
Mailing Address: text field
Mailing City: text field
Mailing State: pick list field
Mailing Zip: text field
Section Eight: Owner Consent and State Support
Applicant is required to upload the appropriate documents to address the following conditions:
Landowner Consent: file upload
(All public and private landowners whose land is crossed by or provides access to the trail must give written consent to this application. Landowner consent letters should include a statement of support for National Recreation Trail or National Water Trail designation and commitment to public access for at least 10 years, per designation criteria.)
List of All Landowners: text field
(Provide a complete list of all landowners providing public access.)
State Trail Administrator Support: file upload
(Trails on State, local government, or private land (anything other than Federal) must have a statement of support from the State Trails Administrator/Coordinator.)
Documents must be in one of these formats: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls
Section Nine: Signature page
Signed Signature Page: file upload
(To complete the application process, you must submit a signature page.
- Step 1. Download the signature page.
- Step 2. Apply digital signature, or print, sign, and scan the signature page.
- Step 3. Upload the signature page.)