Enterprise South Nature Park

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check with the trail manager for updated details before visiting.

Enterprise South Nature Park

City, Town, or County Frontcountry Trail
  • Length
    70 miles
  • Elevation Gain
  • Route Type

Our park has beautiful scenery, variety of trails, and various viewing areas in this historic park. 70 miles of trails are ranked from beginner to advance with various mileage for each trail. We have food plots for various animals to come to and picnic areas to relax and enjoy the nature.

Location: 190 Still Hollow Loop, Chattanooga, TN 37416. Enterprise South Nature Park is near the Volkswagen plant on Volkswagen Drive.

  • States: Tennessee
  • Counties: Hamilton
  • Cities/Townships: Chattanooga

In the late 1930s' and early 1940s, with the limited capacity of United States plants to make explosives, the Army Ordnance Department developed a plan to build ammunition plants owned by the government but operated by a civilian contractor. In February 1993, The Army began assessing procedures for disposal of the property and in February 1998, the Government Services Administration approached the City and County about their interest in acquisition of the site.

After a length Public Planning process and develop the Park's Master Plan, construction of the Nature Park finally began in 2006 with the park open to the plan in December 2010, and the park was opened to the public in December 2010.

Enterprise South Nature Park is located in Chattanooga, Tennessee and is one of (3) three Regional Parks managed by the Hamilton County Parks and Recreation Department. The park is situated on 2,800 wooded acres that were previously a part of the Volunteer Army Ammunition Plant property. Enterprise South Nature Park's 2800 acres of heavily wooded, hilly terrain with turkey, deer, hawks, coyote, raccoons and various reptiles. The 2800 acres is a natural forest kept untouched except for the trails, picnic areas and restrooms throughout the park.

The park is heavily used by walkers and bike riders but the layout of the trail system makes the user feel as if he is alone in the environment. The property's heritage has been preserved in the concrete magazines used to store explosives during the days when TNT was manufactured on the property.

Enterprise South Nature Park is located approximately 15 minutes northeast of downtown Chattanooga. Enterprise South is one of the most popular trail systems in the Chattanooga area. Popular for it's beginner-friendly flowing trails, park facilities, and the security of a ranger staff, ESNP is perfect for the whole family. Enterprise South Nature Park provides many recreational experiences and is committed to providing leisure opportunities to individuals of all ages, abilities and income levels. Walking and running on the mulched and paved trails goes on all year round as does biking on the paved trails and on the mountain bike trails. There are seasonal environmental classes presented by various schools and organizations. The Park's recreational opportunities include age-appropriate programs, Ranger patrol, wooded walking paths, and paved bicycle paths, mountain biking trails, a READ 20 neighborhood library, a new equestrian trail and offers a unique vehicle-only scenic drive. Total trail mileage for the park is thirty eight (38) miles and includes picnic areas, a small lake, food plots to attract local wildlife inhabitants providing visitors an opportunity to view the animals in a natural setting. The park is designated for passive recreation but there are numerous spots to sit and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature.

The Park offers miles of walking paths, bicycle paths and off-road biking trails. Walking, hiking, biking, horse bike riding, and mountain biking are the main activities in the park. Enterprise South Nature Park is a great place to visit!

•16.8 miles of multi-use mountain bike trails/additional

•14.4 miles of paved pedestrian/bicycle trails

•11.45 miles of walking paths for pedestrians only

•3 Bunker historical displays

•5.9 miles scenic overlook drive

•10 mile horse trail

•Outdoor class room on a 60 area wetland

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Allowed Uses:

Bicycling Equestrian Hiking/Walking Trail running

Other Activities

  • Heritage and history
  • Wildlife viewing / observation

Public Contact

Allison Harr, Superintendent
Hamilton County Parks and Recreation
Enterprise South Nature Park
190 Still Hollow Loop
Chattanooga, TN 37416

More Details

  • Elevation (low): 808
  • Elevation (high): 1068
  • Elevation (cumulative): --

  • Part of a Trail System? No
  • Surface (primary): Soil
  • Surfaces (additional): Paved, Boardwalk, Wood chips/mulch

  • Tread Width (average): 96"
  • Tread Width (minimum): 48
  • Running length (minimum): --

  • Tread Grade (average, percent): 3
  • Tread Grade (maximum): 13
  • Running length (maximum): --

  • Cross-slope (average, percent): 5
  • Cross-slope (maximum): --
  • Running length (maximum): --
  • Certified as an NRT
    Jun 3, 2023
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