Jackson Trail

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This information is a public record of the 1976 NRT application and may be out of date if it has not been updated by a trail manager --
check with the trail manager for updated details before visiting.

Jackson Trail

State Backcountry Trail
  • Length
    21 miles
  • Elevation Gain
  • Route Type
    out & back

The Jackson Trail is a 21-mile footpath through the Blackwater River State Forest and is a portion of the Florida Trail System.

Location: Blackwater River State Forest. S and E of Munson, connects Red Rock Picnic Area to Karick Lake.

  • States: Florida

The Jackson Trail is a 21-mile primitive footpath through the Blackwater River State Forest and is a portion of the Florida Trail System. The trail covers a variety of vegetational types and terrains, including pine flatlands, mixed hardwoods, and bottom land species. Recreational facilities include two overnight camping shelters with available water supply.

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Allowed Uses:

Boating, human-powered Dogs, on leash Hiking/Walking

Other Activities

  • Camping
  • Hunting
  • Wildlife viewing / observation

Public Contact

David Creamer
Florida Division of Forestry
Blackwater Forestry Center
Milton, FL 32570

Contact the trail manager for current maps and visiting details.

More Details

  • Elevation (low): --
  • Elevation (high): --
  • Elevation (cumulative): --

  • Part of a Trail System? No
  • Surface (primary): --
  • Surfaces (additional): --

  • Tread Width (average): 36"
  • Tread Width (minimum): --
  • Running length (minimum): --

  • Tread Grade (average, percent): --
  • Tread Grade (maximum):
  • Running length (maximum): --

  • Cross-slope (average, percent): --
  • Cross-slope (maximum): --
  • Running length (maximum): --
  • Certified as an NRT
    Jun 14, 1976
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