Lebanon Valley Rail-Trail

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This information is a public record of the 2004 NRT application and may be out of date if it has not been updated by a trail manager --
check with the trail manager for updated details before visiting.

Lebanon Valley Rail-Trail

Nonprofit Rail Trail
  • Length
    15 miles
  • Elevation Gain
  • Route Type
    out & back

  • Trail Rules. Photo by Yocumz/wiki.
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Location: Cornwall, West Cornwall, South Londonderry

  • States: Pennsylvania
  • Counties: Lebanon

The LVRT is a result of a unique public/private partnership between the non-profit Lebanon Valley Rails-to-Trails, Inc., the Lebanon County Commissioners, and the local municipalities through which the trail passes. LVRT acquired, designed, and built the trail using a combination of private contributions and public grants from a variety of sources including PA DCNR and PennDOT. Lebanon County owns the trail corridor and contributes financially to the local match requirements for state grants. The local municipalities contribute to trail maintenance with in-kind services. Several local volunteer fire departments and other civic groups also participate in trail maintenance through an "adopt-a-section" of the rail-trail program.

The LVRT connects to other trails including Lancaster County's Conewago Trail and the Horse-Shoe Trail. The LVRT provides access to important resources such as the Governor Dick Recreation Area, Cornwall Furnace Historic Site, Lawn Community Park, South Hills Park, and the Lebanon Valley Expo Center.

Due to the gentle grade of the rail trail, the LVRT serves a wide range of users including hikers, bikers, skiers, and horseback riders. Snowmobiling is allowed on a limited section of the trail. Several schools located in proximity to the trail use it for cross-country athletic training. Events such as the Cropp Walk and Volksmarch are held on the trail annually.

The trail surface is crushed limestone with a parallel woodchip or grass path for equestrian users.

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Allowed Uses:

Bicycling Equestrian Hiking/Walking Snow, cross-country skiing

Other Activities

  • Snow, snow play general

Public Contact

John B. Wengert
Lebanon Valley Rails-to Trails, Inc.
630 Old My. Gretna Rd.
Lebanon, PA 17042
jbweng@comast.net(717) 273-2658

Contact the trail manager for current maps and visiting details.

More Details

  • Elevation (low): 438
  • Elevation (high): 768
  • Elevation (cumulative): --

  • Part of a Trail System? No
  • Surface (primary): Rock, crushed
  • Surfaces (additional): Rock, crushed

  • Tread Width (average): 127"
  • Tread Width (minimum): --
  • Running length (minimum): --

  • Tread Grade (average, percent): 1
  • Tread Grade (maximum): 2
  • Running length (maximum): --

  • Cross-slope (average, percent): --
  • Cross-slope (maximum): --
  • Running length (maximum): --
  • Certified as an NRT
    Jun 1, 2004
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