Lowell Canal Heritage
This information is a public record of the 1981 NRT application and may be out of date if it has not been updated by a trail manager --
check with the trail manager for updated details before visiting.
check with the trail manager for updated details before visiting.
Lowell Canal Heritage
National Park Service
Urban Trail
- Length
2.6 miles
- Elevation Gain
- Route Type
out & back
(1 review)
- Length
2.6 miles - Elevation Gain
-- - Route Type
out & back

Western Canal in Lowell. Photo by Bernie Ongewe wiki.

Pawtucket Canal at Central St. Photo by John Phelan wiki.

Lowell canal boat tour. Photo by Jlpapple wiki.

Lowell Canals. Photo by Bernie Ongewe.

The Great Gate at entrance of Pawtucket Canal. Photo by Daderot wiki.

Streetcar in Lowell National Historic Park. Photo by David Wilson wiki.
Location: In downtown Lowell follows canal shorelines from NPS visitor center at the Mack Building.
- States: Massachusetts
The historical setting (Industrial Revolution) makes it a very interesting cultural, historical walk past old mills, boarding houses, sites, museums, exhibits.
Accessibility Information
No text provided.

Janie Walker
Nice historic walks, but exact location of specific NRT unclear
I walked all the canal trails at Lowell NHP, and I know one of them or a combination make up the listed NRT. The trails themselves are paths running through the city and next to the canals. The four stars instead of five rating is because the maps are unclear and it's not clear which one or combination is the actual NRT.
Allowed Uses:
Hiking/WalkingPublic Contact
Ted DaviesLowell National Historic Park
171 Merrimack St.
Lowell, MA 1853
(508) 275-1700
Contact the trail manager for current maps and visiting details.
More Details
- Elevation (low): --
- Elevation (high): --
- Elevation (cumulative): --
- Part of a Trail System? No
- Surface (primary): --
- Surfaces (additional): --
- Tread Width (average): 48"
- Tread Width (minimum): --
- Running length (minimum): --
- Tread Grade (average, percent): --
- Tread Grade (maximum):
- Running length (maximum): --
- Cross-slope (average, percent): --
- Cross-slope (maximum): --
- Running length (maximum): --
- Certified as an NRT
May 31, 1981