Sleeping Giant Trail
check with the trail manager for updated details before visiting.
Sleeping Giant Trail
Backcountry Trail
- Length
32 miles
- Elevation Gain
- Route Type
out & back
(1 review)
- Length
32 miles - Elevation Gain
-- - Route Type
out & back
Near Hamden, Connecticut is a project of the Sleeping Giant Park Association in cooperation with CT Department of Environmental Protection. The 760-foot high mountain is a popular recreation destination.

Sleeping Giant rises high above the woodlands of the surrounding valley. Photo by Justin Coleman.


Blue Trail

Cool forest. Photo by Denise Liftin.

No sleeping on this adventure! Photo by Rebecca Madter.

Sun-baked talus slope abuts the dense woodlands of Sleeping Giant. Photo by Justin Coleman.

A lively woodland brook cascades through a gorge blanketed with autumn leaves. Photo by Justin Coleman.
Location: 2 miles north of Hamden off Route 10
- States: Connecticut
Several trails ascend 760 foot Sleeping Giant Mountain, a traprock ridge with extensive basalt cliffs, ledges and views. The trails also go through extensive forests and wetland areas. Some of the trails are specifically designed for horseback riding and cross-country skiing, and are located on the lower reaches of the Giant.
Accessibility Information
No text provided.

Trish Ellis
Great trail system!
I spent March 13-15, 2024 doing various trail loops. Blue-Yellow, White-Green, Orange-Violet. What a joy! Blue Trail has serious scrambles and felt like a White Mountain (NH) trail. Actually, they all felt like White Mountain trails, Blue was just the most extreme. Great views on various ledges toward New Haven and Long Island Sound. The Tower is reached via Blue Trail or, for the folks who don’t want a hard-core hike, the wide gravel Tower Trail. I thoroughly enjoyed traversing the Giant from head to foot multiple times using the color-coded trails. This trail system is a lot more varied and a lot more challenging than I’d expected. Nice variety of marsh, rock scrambles, ledge walking, forest, and views. I had a blast. Trish Ellis (aka Janie Walker)
Allowed Uses:
Hiking/WalkingOther Activities
- Fishing
Public Contact
Mike MillerSleeping Giant Park Association
Sleeping Giant State Park
Hamden, CT 6518
(203) 265-5684
Contact the trail manager for current maps and visiting details.
More Details
- Elevation (low): 90
- Elevation (high): 739
- Elevation (cumulative): --
- Part of a Trail System? No
- Surface (primary): Soil
- Surfaces (additional): Rock, smooth, Soil
- Tread Width (average): 36"
- Tread Width (minimum): --
- Running length (minimum): --
- Tread Grade (average, percent): --
- Tread Grade (maximum):
- Running length (maximum): --
- Cross-slope (average, percent): --
- Cross-slope (maximum): --
- Running length (maximum): --
- Certified as an NRT
Mar 22, 1977